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Pride homework is an optional homework programme. The programme emulates the incentive badge programmes common in organisations such as Scouts and Guides where children select activities they find motivating and work towards a series of award culminating in a badge.
PRIDE tasks aim to encourage:
P - racticality
R - esponsibility
I - nnovation
D - evelopment
E - mpathy for others
The tasks also require children to work independently and
make use of their literacy and numeracy learning from school.
The tasks often reflect our school motto: We care for ourselves, others and the environment.
Award System
Children use the booklet (see below) appropriate for their year level to select tasks. They record completed tasks on their task checklist (see below). It is advised that each task is recorded in a diary which might included photographic and written evidence of the child's work.
Tips for Success
Aim to do one award each term beginning in Term 1.
Remember that many of the activities you already involve yourself in (e.g. sports teams, 40 Hour Famine) can contribute to your PRIDE Homework award.
Children are most often successful when guided, encouraged and supported by their parent.
Use the exemplars provided as a guide to the standard of diary content and presentation.
PRIDE Programme Resources
Pride Homework

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